Thursday, May 04, 2006

The Emslie Effect was coined many years ago by so called freinds. They had noticed that if anything was going to go wrong then it was me who it was going to happen to.

After lying dormant for a few years, The Emslie Effect reared its ugly head once again recently.

I will elaborate on more of the happening to me when I get the chance. Unfortunately, most of my time is spent doing complaint letters to various companies who see fit to spray Emslie Effect librally over every aspect of what shout be a routine job.

Here's one of the letters and the photos above are evidence too........

Dear *****,
* *********** ******* *******
Thank you again for your prompt action following our concerns with the standard of wallpapering at our property on Thursday . It is with great regret that I must draw your attention to more faults observed on our return home on Friday evening.
I appreciate that our walls are, perhaps, not completely plumb or straight but I would estimate that a large number of properties also have walls without every corner being a straight line and decorators historically have been able to match patterns.
On Friday morning, I was told that they would try their best but that the walls were not straight and a complete pattern match was not guaranteed. It is my understanding that should a pattern coincide with a top line of ceiling which is not straight, then the deviation is taken out in the top of the wall where it meets the ceiling, not at eye level where it is immediately visible. Again, we have found a large number of sheets which are not pattern matched.
The stairs, as everyone involved in the job was made aware, are now in their finished state and , as such, every effort should have been made to protect the surface. I presume that had a cream coloured carpet been present, then your employees would not have allowed a large quantity of paste not only to spill onto the surface, but make no obvious attempt to clean it up. Having now taken time to read the adhesive containers left by your employees, I note that this product contains a fungicide which the instructions clearly state should be kept out of reach of children and animals. The two decorators know we have a kitten who was shut inside the living room during works. Once the decorators have left for the day, she is allowed free range of the house. It should not be for us to search for dropped lumps of adhesive, which as already mentioned, were found on the staircase.
I am astounded to notice that a chunk of wood has been chipped from the front of one of the treads. A ladder left outside had one of the rubber feet missing and the word “damaged“ written several times on the side stiles. I can only assume this resulted in the aforementioned damage. We are now left with a damaged staircase which had taken hours of care to sand and varnish.
Finally, they have made no attempt to tidy up after themselves. We have had visitors staying at the property this weekend, meaning we have had to remove several bin bags full of rubbish, three full sheets of wallpaper which were left hanging over different doors, their entire tool kit, plastering tables, three tubs of adhesive, a set of ladders and a scaffolding board. We had to remove a sheet of wallpaper which had been left to stuck to the floorboards of the upper landing.

We will take no responsibility for any damage caused to these items, as we were not asked if these items could be left in the property over a holiday weekend, nor for the set of ladders which they saw fit to attach to our neighbours railings at the front of the property.
It is therefore with regret, that we have had no option but to advise our insurance company directly of this matter and provide photographic evidence of the damage and poor level of work in the hope of a satisfactory resolution.
We would respectfully ask that your decorators do not continue with the contract and that all items belonging to James Clark Decorators are collected from outside the property at 8am tomorrow morning.
Yours sincerely

John W Emslie &

Cc. Norwich Union Clubline
Circle Britannia
A.A. Agnew Insurance Broker

TO: Pune Claims Team 1
Club Incident Managers
FAX: 01603 821059
FROM: J Emslie & * **********
FAX: ***** ******

Dear Sirs
Property: * ********** ******* ******* **** ***
Claim Ref: 9961U02863
Please find attached a fax which has been sent to the decorators recently instructed to carry out works on our property as part of an insurance claim.
This along with the photographic evidence has been sent to Circle Britannia, however, I would be grateful if a Club Incident Manager could contact me directly to discuss this matter further.
Yours sincerely

John W Emslie & **** **********

I'm sure that this saga will continue much longer than is stricly necessary. Again, due to, The Emslie Effect.

Look out for my updates.

1 comment:

The Book Fiend said...

At last - it's about time you blogged your exploits, Mr Emslie!