Thursday, May 25, 2006

Wasps, Radio Appearance, and B..Log Cabins

Well, you were warned, or at least I think you were. Due to lots happening, I just haven't had the time to update my blog. Apologies if I use a lot of cutting and pasting from my letters etc elsewhere but it saves me time in my one fingered stabbing of the keyboard.

The highlights at the moment are......




Here's a brief background on the log cabin......

Back in February, I ordered a log cabin from their website, it said that delivery was 45 to 60 days. This suited me fine as that meant it would arrive in late March to mid April. I would have enough time to prepare a base before it arrived. I ordered it on the Wednesday and to my surprise, the manufacturer called on Friday of the same week to say that they had one in the country and would I like it delivered the following Wednesday. I didn't need it as soon as that but guessed that at least if I had it I could put it up whenever I had the time. It arrived at exactly the time specified and was offloaded with great skill and care by the driver using a Hiab. It was carefully moved on its crate to the garden where it was covered up.In early March it became pretty apparent that building could not proceed as we had around two feet of snow in our back garden and the digger I had hired to level the ground had been getting stuck in the mess of mud. I also had been using it in blizzard conditions and it would be one without a cab wouldn't it. With the ground saturated and still a covering of snow, I called shedstore to explain the situation and that it had not been unwrapped to check the contents. They told me that it was ok, noted it had been an early delivery and to let them know when I did get the chance. It was unwrapped over the Easter weekend and it quickly became apparent that several pieces were damaged and a few were missing so I called shedstore on Tuesday of last week. There were about five damaged pieces, one missing piece of wall and no fittings ie screws, nails etc. I was told that, as some time had elapsed since I had had it delivered, that they would supply the parts but I would be liable for delivery. I accepted this as I thought it would be a minimal charge and I was keen to get on and build the thing. I heard nothing more from them until after I had called the manufacturer on Thursday to check that the bits were readily available. I was informed that shedstore were to be paying the delivery charge and I was to be billed for the missing parts. I returned a voicemail from shedstore at lunchtime to be told that the parts totalled £135 and that they would only contribute half of the £50 + VAT delivery charge. I said that I would concede the damaged parts and the fixings (which I would buy locally) as long as they supplied the crucial missing wall board but they still insisted they would only order it if I authorised them to dedit my credit card, the details of which they still had after I shelled out 1500 quid for what I had thought was a complete log cabin.That night, I did a bit of searching on trading standards websites and found that under the "sale of goods act, as ammended 1979" I had up to five years (six in England) to find any faults with a product and that this, as my statutory rights, over-rode the terms and conditions set down by the supplier of "14 days to report shortages" On Friday, I again called Shedstore and told them that, should I wish, I could demand my money back and ask that they remove the pile of sticks from my garden at their expense. I could then buy the same cabin from another supplier. Also, having purchased it on my cc I had purchase protection from the cc company. They kept insisting that I must pay for the pieces and for delivery and I felt that the only way to get my crucial pieces was to pay now and quibble later. I had already conceded that I would just use the split wood of the damaged pieces and that I would buy my own screws hoping they would meet me halfway by supplying the missing board but they kept insisting that I was in breach of the t & cs and that they were not obliged to do anything.Upon reflection, on Friday afternoon at 16:10 I tried to call Shedstore again to ask for all the pieces damaged or missing regardless of short term cost but their offices, I was told by a recorded message, were closed (their website says they are open til 5 Monday to Friday) I then called the manufacturer to communicate a message that I required all the bits but as yet I have had no response back.

The log cabin is nearly finished and my wrangle continues with the supplier. The parts ordered on the 21st of April which I was promised would be here in five days, arrived today. Because they had been paid for and not sent free, the parts were regarded as an order for a new building and therefore were subject to a 21 working day delivery time. A perfect way to infuriate my good self! I was told that the missing pieces should be with me by the end of the week. However, I absolutely, definately had to be in to sign for them and the carrier would phone me before delivery. Guess what was lying in next door's front garden this evening when I got home from work?

Wasps are little yellow and black things, they are, to all intense and purposes, furry animals but, for some unknown reason, people (and that includes me) dont like them.
On Saturday, I noticed that a wasp had begun building a byke right above the door of my Log Cabin. It is quite a small thing and has a certain beauty to it. There is no question of leaving it there so I intend to use a blowtorch on it. I am thinking that I should wait until late evening before doing it so as to dispose of the creatures inside. If I do it while they are awake will they get a bit annoyed?
The nest is no bigger than an eggcup and if you look directly up into it there is a very small honeycomb at the top.There are marks looking like snail trails around it on the wood (I havent finished the building yet so haven't painted it) I assume this is where they have got the material to build the nest/byke.

After posting that on a forum for advice or suggestions, I got quite a few replies including...

"Cover every inch of flesh. Put on gardening gloves or similar and make sure that your sleeves fit over the gloves. Put on thick socks over your trousers - otherwise, they may crawl up any gaps.Watch any gaps around your neck. If you have a walking jacket with a hood .... put tea towel over your head, then the visor, then put on the jacket, put up the hood and fully close the jacket right up to the neck.Can't work out if you're brave or stupid, though Good luck"

To which I responded...

No, either can I. It's more like a case of not wanting to spend 30 quid and wait ages for a pest control co to come. In the meantime worrying every time I pass under it. I forgot to pick up the blowtorch from my brother this evening so another day will pass and the colony will grow.

The replies continued.....

"Ach, take no notice of these nay-sayers, just get in there! give em a good kicking from me too, nasty little !!!!!!s that they are!"


"borrow an old person pretend she lives at your address and get the council to do it free!!!! round our way o.a.p's aren't charged for things like this"

Job done!!!Anyone got an icepack? lol for the shed, not for me.In hindsight, perhaps the bright yellow stormproof jacket could have been a bit antagonistic, but they were all tucked up in bed as I didn't see any flying around. So there's me, boiler suit, hood round my face and a grinding visor on. The most difficult part was lighting the blowtorch with gloves on.A slight scorch mark on the canopy of the shed (oh did I mention it's a 2 grand log cabin?) but at least I dont have to worry about the little blighters. Not those ones anyway.Thanks for all your advice, most of which I ignored. Sorry.

Now those of you who know us know that our favourite price for things is FREE
After our ventures, adventures and misadventures on Freecycle I heard it being discussed on the Jeremy Vine show on BBC radio2. Never one to hide under a bushel, I called in to extol the virtues of the site. Hear my comments here. The discussion I took part in started at around 1:45 so if you click the 15min forward key seven times it will take you to the middle of "Crowded House - Weather with You". Keep listening from that point. I get cut off once but come back within a short time. You'll have to be quick as the "listen again" feature only stays on until Tuesday of next week at 2pm.

I promise to endeavour to post more very soon. There's the roof that leaked again. There's the continuing saga of the decorators and the boiler that came back from the dead after being given it's last rites.

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