Saturday, June 17, 2006

It’s just after half past five on a Sunday morning. My body clock has obviously told me it’s a school day, or more likely, my ability to catch up on much needed sleep yesterday afternoon. More likely still, would be the sound of rainwater dripping through the open skylight on the top landing. In any case, I am up now and, after over two weeks absence from contributing towards my bog, what better time than to ramble a bit.

I will start with the subject I do not wish to dwell on, The World Cup! I loathe football (soccer for those of you further afield).I have no objections to a kick about in a park or those who participate in Sunday league games etc but I really do fail to grasp how people can watch a game (after all that’s all it is) and comment as if they are some kind of experts. To pay over forty pounds for a team shirt made of Nylon which bears the name of a sponsor who could be a brewer or a comms company. If so many women allegedly watch football, then why don’t some of the shirts bear brand names for them? There is clearly a big market in “feminine hygiene” so why not have “Tena Lady, When you just can’t wait for half time” splashed (no pun intended) across the team shirts.
I have spoken enough about football. The point I wanted to make was that The Emslie Effect struck again. At work, they were doing a sweep stake. At Katy’s work, she had drawn Australia so I thought I could not possibly pick a worse team. The first team to be out of the competition were Costa Rica. No prizes for guessing which one John picked.

For the last few weeks I have been getting up just after 3am for an early shift. I have also been combining this with doing my own job in the afternoon so I have not been getting home until after seven in the evening, too tired to do anything but eat and retreat to bed. The weather has been great and I was looking forward to my week on holiday. Good news came on Wednesday where I was told that my contract would be amended as of the 26th making me permanent full time. This was good news until I realised that I have missed out on about £150 as I am still classed as part time while I am off and paid accordingly. My enthusiasm for being off has been tainted even more by the forecast (and in fact the current weather conditions outside) of rain all week. I wanted to do the little finishing off bits of the log cabin and give it a coating of oil. At least it has a weatherproof roof which is more than I can say for the house right now.

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